Some more good fishing again today with 11 fish hooked and 8 making it to the bank. Fly Fishing was the prolific method taking most fish and a couple landed on spinner.
As usual our return rate was very high again today with 100% of catches making it back into the water safely.
Catches are as follows: One from Kevin McCall off Beat 1 Cable Island, Gavin Wishart landing three at beat 2 Cable Island. Glen Harmon landing two fish at Blackstone and our Italian guest Franco landing two at Ballinaroone.
Forecast gives very heavy rain overnight so we are sure to see a rise in the river by lunch time tomorrow depending on where it hits the catchment.
For up to date river conditions please call Jason at 353(0)877205690 or alternatively email us at
Also please remember our reduced rates for the months of August and September from €80 per day to €60. Tight Lines 🐟
Ireland is there.